
Quick start

To use Simple Logging in a project

import simplelogging

# log = simplelogging.get_logger(console_level=simplelogging.DEBUG)
# log = simplelogging.get_logger(file_name="log.txt")
log = simplelogging.get_logger()

a_string_variable = "hello"
an_integer_variable = 42
a_floating_point_variable = 3.14

log.debug("some debug")"some info")
    "some variables: %s, %d, %f",
log.warning("some warning")
log.error("some error")
log.critical("some critical error")

    x = 1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError as error:

Note: log variable is a logger from the Python standard library’s logging module.

Configure the logger

The logger provided by simplelogging.get_logger() is already configured to be ready to use:

  • Console output: info, warning, error and critical messages displayed. Colored output.
  • No file output

The only logger that is configured is the one you have in your main script (i.e. not in an imported module). For imported module, log messages will be forwarded to the main logger.

To get a not yet configured logger, you can use:

import simplelogging

log = simplelogging.get_logger(console=False)

Console output

The console output is managed through a colorlog.StreamHandler configured by simplelogging.

Disabling the console output

As already said, you can avoid having a console output by doing this in your main script:

import simplelogging

log = simplelogging.get_logger(console=False)

Changing message format on console

import simplelogging

log = simplelogging.get_logger(

You can configure de message format according to and

Changing message level on console

import simplelogging

log = simplelogging.get_logger(

The logger will display on the console only messages with the level set to provide value or above.

For example, the above code allows debug, info, warning and error messages to be displayed in the console.

simplelogging.DEBUG is logging.DEBUG, and same for INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. They are provided for convenience, avoiding to import logging.

See and for more detail.

File output

The file output is managed through a logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler configured by simplelogging.

Disabling and enabling the file output

File output is disabled by default. But you can enable logging to a file by giving the file path in your main script:

import simplelogging

log = simplelogging.get_logger(

Changing message format in the file

import simplelogging

log = simplelogging.get_logger(

You can configure de message format according to

Changing message level in the file

import simplelogging

log = simplelogging.get_logger(

See above the explanations for console level, they are applicable for file level.

Configuring logger level

The logger level applies to both console and file output. Since the logger is a standard logging.Logger, you can use the setLevel method.

During the initial configuration, you can provide the logger level.

import simplelogging

log = simplelogging.get_logger(

Configuring an existing logger

The logger can be configured directly with logging API. The only helpers provided by simplelogging are:

log = simplelogging.get_logger()


Those three methods configure respectively the logger level to:

  • INFO

Default configuration

simplelogging.get_logger() is an easy way to configure a logging infrastructure. It accepts several parameters:

  • name: name of the logger (default: None, simplelogging will call logging.getLogger(__name__)) for imported modules)
  • logger_level: logging level (default: DEBUG)
  • console: activation of console output (default: True)
  • console_format: message format on console (default: DEFAULT_CONSOLE_FORMAT)
  • console_level: logging level of the console (default: INFO)
  • file_name: name of the file in which the log will be written (default: None, i.e. no file)
  • file_format: message format in the file (default: DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT)
  • file_level: logging level in the file (default: DEBUG)

Default formats are:

    "%(log_color)s%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-8s] "
    "%(filename)20s(%(lineno)3s):%(funcName)-20s ::"
    " %(message)s%(reset)s"

    "%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-8s] "
    "%(filename)20s(%(lineno)3s):%(funcName)-20s ::"
    " %(message)s"